wawawawawa...dah x tahan dah nak tahan persaan ni..the only person can i talk to is only Nora..u r the only one who understand me well....im crying in my heart....nape la masalah mcm ni can happen on me...why? why? Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, tolonglah aku mengharungi semua ini..it is just to big...to big for me to handle it...im just to young to handle all of this problems.....istighfar2...sabar je....this problems keep repeated playing in my mind...dashing into my mind like an thunderbolt..
ucup...this is time for you to wake up...u r the leader now..u noe that u can do it.....u noe that u can survive it even tough without him..i wish that u ada kat sini...to take the responsibilities...
mom, i noe dat u didnt read this but i just wanna tell u that i love u so much...i'll be back soon...
dad, i miss u like heaven
mom, i love like heaven..
p/s: for those who r reading, appreciated ur parents b4 u cannot do it..